About Maria

The route so far

About us

About Maria

Her route began with an adolescent dream of changing the world. From an early age she desired to study Biology to help the people around her who were suffering to be set free of pain and disease.

So it happened by completing her studies in the field of Biotechnology and Genetic engineering at the Agricultural University of Athens. After receiving awards and scholarships from the National Scholarship Institute she completed her practise at the Technology and Research Institute of Crete in the field of Molecular Biology and later on at the Agricultural University of Athens in the field of Molecular Plant Virology. Academic success was all she wanted, or at least she thought so. 

All that time she constantly felt something missing. She started to realise that the daily routine, the long hours at the laboratory and most of all the lack of human contact and direct servicing, deprived her of what she truly desired. So she pursued change. While seeking for something different she crossed her way with the science of Homeopathy, a completely new path for her, which gave her access to what was missing until that time – direct human contact, co-creation and change.

“…supporting the philosophy “whatever you share, gets multiplied” she decided to provide her time and services as a professional to people around her who desire change.”

She completed her studies at the Hippocratic Center of Classical Homeopathy, participated in national and international seminars and workshops and started her own practise in Athens. Today, she is an active member of the Greek Homeopathic Association and supports Homeopathy and natural treatments of disease.

During her own training and changing process she became attracted to meditation and mindfulness techniques, neurosciences, quantum physics and how all these are combined and utterly connected. This is what started shaping a more essential life meaning. 

The point when her perspective towards life changed radically was her acquaintance with the modality of Theta Healing®. After having attended and completed the practitioners’ seminars and workshops first and the instructors’ seminars afterwards, a period of high clarity concerning her true life purpose began through awakening. Having identified the personal benefits and having as a life philosophy “whatever shared gets multiplied”, she decided to provide her time and service as a professional to the people/fellow humans who desire change.

Other interests

  • She loves travelling and animals. She has a dog, Rallou and supports cruelty-free actions which promote respect and love for animals.
  • If she hadn’t become a healer, she would have become a veterinarian or…. A Formula 1 driver!
  • White is her favourite colour.

Awards & Recognition

The love, the devotion, the creation of a safe and trusting environment, the comprehensibility and the constant quest for knowledge are the fundamental characteristics of the healing approaches practiced.


Highly developed empathy, insight, immediacy and consistency.

Customer Care

Continuous support through trust and establishment of the therapeutic relationship.

Community Help

Offering free healing sessions and lectures to sensitive groups in need.

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